
Sunday 6 February 2011

Joy of Love week one!

I'm taking part in The Joy of Love which is a free online photography course for the month of February. I'm very much a beginner when it comes to photography and can't afford a lot of expensive equipment so I'm doing it with my iPhone 4, my bargain Sony Cybershot that I picked up on Ebay for £26, and free online editing tools from Picasa and Picnik. So don't expect professional quality photos, but I'm doing this to have fun and learn!
I'm going to post the week's photos each weekend, hope you enjoy.

Day 01 - What They Do

This can apply to anything your loved ones “do”….what do they do for work? What do they do for play? What chores do they do around the house? Find something they “DO” and document it.

Seamus is a complete boobaholic. Apologies for the poor quality but this was taken with my iPhone4 as my cybershot battery broke a few days into the course! The lighting was poor so it's a bit grainy.

Day 02 - How They Look
Capture your loved one at their best (or at their worst). Or both. What you’re trying to capture is the TRUE essence/expression/attitude/posture that SCREAMS your loved one!

This is Seamus showing off his beautiful smile. He wasn’t feeling awfully smiley today due to being poorly so it took a bit of coaxing (and some tickling) but we got there.

Day 03 - Then and Now

How long have you known your loved one? What has changed since you first met him or her? Try to capture this change in photos.

Seamus at minutes old in the first photo, and last week (almost 4 yo) in the second.

Day 04 - What they Wear

Photograph your loved one’s clothes (either on him or in the closet). This can be when they are dressed up or dressed down.

Seamus is obsessed with Star Wars at the moment and owns lots of apparel like this! This is probably his favourite (and also captures his personality well,I think!)

Day 05 - Love to Hate

Hate is a kind of strong word for this, but I always swore I wouldn't buy toy guns for my children. then I gave birth to 2 little boys and learned that if you don't buy guns for them, they make their own.

Day 06 - Who They Love

Besides you, who is the apple of his eye? Is it your dog, the kids, his parents, his sibling? Document them with their loved one! If the loved one is not close by, then have them hold a photo of their “beloved”…this can also work for loved ones who have passed away.

They may fight, but Seamus adores his older brother, Noah.

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